Why is Dragon Fruit Called “Dragon Fruit”?

Dragon Fruit

Ever thought of the peculiar name of the vibrant and exotic-looking fruit called “dragon fruit”?

The name “dragon fruit” is derived from the fruit’s outer skin which resembles dragon scales. This association is due to its cactus lineage and the patterned, fiery appearance which resembles the mythical creature – the dragon.

In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into the rich history behind the name, understand its various types, and uncover its significance in different cultures.

Origin of the Name “Dragon Fruit”

At first glance, one can’t help but notice the resemblance between the exterior of the dragon fruit and the depictions of a dragon’s skin in various mythologies. The fruit grows on a type of cactus called Hylocereus, which is native to Central and South America. However, the fruit is now more associated with Southeast Asian cultures.

The bold and fiery appearance of its outer skin, with a mix of sharp spikes and patterned structures, remind many of a dragon’s scales. Given the dragon’s powerful symbolism in several Asian cultures, it isn’t a surprise that the fruit was named after this revered creature.

Dragon Fruit Varieties and Their Names

There are primarily three types of dragon fruit based on their flesh color: white, red, and yellow. Each has its unique taste and nutritional benefits.

  1. White fleshed dragon fruit: This is the most common variety. It has a mild taste, often described as a mix between a kiwi and a pear.
  2. Red fleshed dragon fruit: Rich in antioxidants, this variety is sweet and juicy.
  3. Yellow skinned dragon fruit: While it has yellow skin, the inside is usually white with small seeds, offering a sweeter taste than its counterparts.

Despite their color differences, the outer appearance of all types retains that distinctive dragon-like look, reinforcing the mythological connection in its name.

Dragon Fruit in Cultural Symbolism

The dragon is a symbol of strength, fortune, and wisdom in many Asian cultures, especially China. Associating the fruit with a dragon might not only be due to its appearance but also its potential health benefits.

In traditional medicine, dragon fruit is believed to aid digestion, boost immune function, and even promote healthier skin. By naming the fruit after a creature known for its vitality and power, it’s possible that early cultivators and traders intended to emphasize the fruit’s health-giving properties.


The dragon fruit, with its vibrant hues and unique texture, rightly deserves its place among the world’s most exotic fruits. Its name, inspired by the mythical dragon, not only speaks to its aesthetic appeal but perhaps also hints at its nutrient-rich profile.

This fruit serves as a testament to the age-old practice of intertwining nature with cultural and mythological narratives, leaving us with not just a delicious treat but also a rich tale of history and symbolism.

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